Змінити мову (УКР)

Media Content at Full Power

The process of creating publications for media requires significant time and intellectual investment. After careful preparation, approval, and publication of material in one or several media outlets, the question arises of evaluating the effectiveness and impact on achieving set goals, such as raising awareness, changing attitudes, readiness, or intention to act. The lack of an obvious link between media relations and business results leads to devaluation and hollowing out of the public relations function, as well as redistribution of budgets in favor of marketing and digital directions. This trend has been observed in recent years and is an undeniable fact.


Content that contains key messages, supports company goals, and resonates with the target audience should be used as effectively as possible. Limiting its use to just a one-time publication in the media is unacceptable. To optimize content usage, the following is recommended:● Publication of the material in a blog on the corporate website with integrated social sharing functions. ● Distribution of the material on social networks using targeting for target audiences. ● Ensuring the presence of the material in profile communities of social networks and specialized channels. ● Engaging industry thought leaders to comment on and share content on terms agreed within established partnerships. ● Dissemination of the material through social networks of the CEO and company influencers.● Inclusion of the material in regular mailings, digests, and other communication materials to maintain contact with stakeholders. ● In the case of B2B communication - preparation of digests on LinkedIn ● Using LinkedIn functions ● Participation in joint LinkedIn articles using the material and theses.
Thanks to these steps, a single media publication can reach millions and, with the right call to action and performance tracking, achieve significant impact. Regardless of budget allocation between marketing and public relations departments, the company should focus on achieving business goals, for which marketing and PR are key tools. Recognizing the significant efforts required to work with media, it's important to maximize the return on these efforts, using content not at 100, but at 1000 percent.