Setting Communication Goals: Why "Increase Sales" Is Not a PR Objective
In the business world, PR professionals often hear tasks like "increase sales" or "improve reputation." But are such vague formulations enough for an effective communication strategy?
Since we live at the crossroads of generations, the agency's experience allows us to combine the previous ‘old but golden’ methods and new approaches. What always remains the same is the measurable and understandable result of our work.
The Art of Setting Communication Goals: Why "Increase Sales" Isn't Enough
In the dynamic world of business, where every department strives to prove its worth, communication professionals often find themselves in a unique situation.
Not by Consumers Alone: Where to Start Working with Stakeholders in Communications
How do you build communications with stakeholders so that they are allies and advocates, not an indifferent community ready to turn against you? Sofia Sorokina, PR manager of M&P Communications, tells the story.
M&P Communications is pleased to announce the beginning of our partnership with Lenovo, one of the world's leading players in technology and artificial intelligence.
In a world of rapid technological changes, dynamic social media development, and constantly changing preferences, modern communication strategies must meet high standards of innovation and effectiveness.
The process of creating publications for media requires significant time and intellectual investment. After careful preparation, approval, and publication of material in one or several media outlets, the question arises of evaluating the effectiveness and impact on achieving set goals, such as raising awareness, changing attitudes, readiness, or intention to act.